Finding Missing Persons Quickly
Few things can be more unnerving than suddenly discovering that a colleague, friend or family member has disappeared withouttrace. Often, this is someone with whom you share emotional bonds or practical dependencies, making the burden even harder to bear. The single most important thing is not to allow the trail to go cold. You should start your investigations right away.
Reasons Why People Vanish
Understanding the reasons for a disappearance is often a good way to begin solving it. Sometimes a private investigator Gold Coast-based or elsewhere may help trigger a thought through skilful questioning.
Were there Warning Signs? - Running away is sometimes a silent cry for help from a missing persons who’s feeling helpless. Think back. What was preoccupying the individualin the last few days?
Did the Two of You have an Argument?Perhaps you said something that hurt your loved one deeply. Where would they go? This is likely to be to be a familiar friend or favourite haunt. Think about this carefully.
Are They Running Towards Something, or Away?– People disappear deliberately for one of two reasons. These are a desire to escape from something that they can no longer tolerate, or to reach something that they desire. Crack this one early on, and you could be halfway through the options? Why would they want to distance themselves from you?
Might There have Been an Accident?– If your missing loved one was travelling, or doing something potentially dangerous like mountaineering, these can be important clues for professional investigators. Contact emergency services in the local area immediately. The person may need urgent help.
Did this happen before?How did the situation resolve itself? All of us are creatures of habit, at least to some extent, so it’s likely a previous behaviour pattern may recur. Try to repeat the steps you took the previous time, to maintain an atmosphere of calm.
Things to Do
Unless you are able to resolve a missing person situation in a few hours, you really need to seek urgent advice. QLD Covert Investigations are experts in the field. Their experience can help avoid delays and find a missing person fast. The more information you can provide the better – our covert investigatorshope to receive the following for fast results:
ü Full name, date of birth, current and recent addresses
ü Contact details including mobile phone and social media pages
ü Appearance – recent photograph, height, weight, build, skin, hair and eye colour
ü Current and recent employment details
ü Recent movements
ü Names of close friends and family members
ü Any business interests / fixed property owned
This information will enable a private detective to interrogate their databases and networks quickly and effectively.
Dealing with Remorse
Perhaps you are feeling personally guilty. It’s not uncommon forour clients to blame themselves for driving a missing person away. Our advice is simple. Redeploy your energy to help us find them instead. They could be in serious trouble – speak to us right away, so our Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane surveillance team can get to work immediately on your case.