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Catching Out a Cheating Spouse

Not a nice thought, is it? By this, I mean suspectingthat you’re being done out of marital privileges, but are unable to put your finger on it right away. If you’ve got good reasons for what you think, speak to QLD Covert Investigators right away. Let’s put this one to bed, before your partner realises they’ve been spotted, and throws up a smokescreen.

Tricks of the Trade

Here are some handy hints thatevery QLD private investigator Gold Cost or elsewhereknows to look for, as circumstantial evidence:

·         Are you still enjoying sex on Sunday mornings, or whatever your usual custom was? Has it dried up, or become a grudging duty. Think back to when these things changed, and what else was happening at the time. Were you away on business on corporate investigations, or was it office party time for your cheating spouse?


·         What else has altered, subtly or otherwise? Is it getting later before your partner comes home from work? And when they do, do they look genuinely tired as you might expect, or all charged up and sparkling.


·         Is your spouse takinganusual interest in their appearance? This could include a woman with a different hairstyle, or a man deciding to grow a beard. It might also be noticed in a sudden change in dress style, or adopting different mannerisms.


·         Conversely, a cheating spouse often displays less interest in their own home and family. Suddenly they have more interesting things to do that keep them away from home instead. Our Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane surveillance teams have a word for this. They call it “musical chairs”.


·         Another one to watch out for is mobile phone behaviour. Trusting partners take each other’s calls, and know each other’s pin codes too. If you suddenly find yourself blocked-out, get hold of your spouse’s mobile phone account instead. Then call a frequently-dialled number, and ask to speak to your partner by name. The reaction may tell you everything. “Call for you darling …”


·         Computers are an equally good place to start your marital investigations, because not everybody purges their deleted folders regularly. Sent-Items are often a good starting point, as is the recycle bin. And if these are strangely empty too, there’s a good chance that you’re right - you’ve might just have a cheating spouse.


·         Although you may not always know what your partner does when you’re apart, their credit-card company surely does, for they record the vendor’s location faithfully on every transaction. If your lover tells you they were working late, but you find out afterwardsthey were dining out instead, well that’s another cause to wonder, isn’t it?

If your answers to these questions challenged you, then we invite you to join us for a discreetly confidential chat. We have trained investigators poised to carry out their surveillance tasks nationwide. Speak to us first, for all your corporate investigations and private matters that concern you.